For families

On average, 100,000 families are forced to stay at home every month because they lack child care. This costs each working guardian $5,500 a year in loss income. Bringing affordable, high-quality child care to every family is only the beginning of our mission; we believe that everyone should benefit from the AI revolution and so we embed an AI-powered curriculum into our platform.

No Cost, No Risk

We empower you to care for your child’s growth through a powerful and intuitive curriculum management system.

Many of us are immigrants and we believe that every child should have access to a great education, so our AI-powered curriculum is designed in multiple languages.

Finally, we prioritize the safety of children above all else. Our platform features military-grade encryption and strictly adheres to OWASP Secure Coding Practices. However, we recognize that security encompasses more than technology and must extend to workflows, so we’ve implemented a patent-pending Secure Pickup Workflow.

When picking up students, a trusted adult provides a short-lived authentication code from their app to the center to effectively and efficiently verify that the adult is allowed to pick up the students.

Join us, and together, we can solve the child care crisis in America and ensure that every child has access to quality education.

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